
MENDication relies on the principle that all living beings have the ability to revitalize and heal themselves.  This principle has been proven through out history by many philosophers, physicians, and healers of ancient civilizations, as well as their contemporaries in more recent history.

The term “MENDication” is derived from two sources:  the Latin term ‘mendicans’, and my frequently used acronym M-E-N-D.  A mendicant describes a holy, ascetic person that relies strictly on charity to survive.  If we have the means, why not be charitable to ourselves and not only survive but thrive.  My acronym M-E-N-D emphasizes the four essential elements to revitalize and heal the body:

M – Metabolism
E – Elimination
N – Nutrition
D – Digestion

MENDication focuses on simple, easy to incorporate lifestyle changes personalized to each individuals needs in order to restore health and vitality. It will dramatically improve energy levels and endurance, condition the body, strengthen the immune system, elevate mood, enhance metabolic rate, maintain ideal body weight, and improve memory and focus.  Not only do “MENDicators” feel healthy, they look [very] healthy.

The obesity epidemic is ravaging the lives of most Americans, especially due to its associated medical conditions, such as Metabolic Syndrome (hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity). Most people interested in MENDication have likely had their share of disappointments with dieting.  Fortunately, MENDication is not a diet; it’s a lifestyle change that progressively builds into one’s life until it’s as natural as breathing.  As more of MENDication’s lifestyle modifications are incorporated into one’s daily routine, the more dramatic the results are in restoring vitality and health.

What’s more? The simple program does not require calorie counts, food restrictions, rationing/portioning, regular weigh-ins, expensive meal plans, supplements, procedures, or exercise equipment, and will not layout a day-to-day plan for weeks to come.  Actually, MENDication prides itself on empowering the individual to make the right choices to ensure their own health and longevity.  The program even encourages indulging in your favorite food/dessert from time to time, and teaches how, why, and when is the best time to indulge.  In fact, most people tend to find they eat more once incorporating the suggested modifications.

The troublesome “yo-yo” side effect is universal to almost every diet.  This is because most diets aim for unhealthy physiological states in order to hasten weight loss (i.e. ketosis, dehydration and/or diuresis, malnutrition, high sympathetic tone, starvation, etc.).  The moment the dieter waivers on their commitment, the body rebounds in order to compensate and regain equilibrium from the unhealthy state.  Their “diet” restores neither vitality nor health, but may actually cause damage. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon that these people tend to gain back more weight than they originally lost in the first place.

This is where MENDication and most [fad] diets differ.  MENDication focuses on restoring health and vitality, relearning how to live in a natural/”green” manner, priding oneself in being a conscious, educated consumer, and helping regain balance with one’s body, mind, and spirit.  MENDication maintains its effectiveness even when not being practiced on a day-to-day basis. However, the more the program is practiced, the more promising are its long-term results.

Incorporating these practices into your everyday life are actually quite easy. So please remain positive!!  No matter what disease/dis-ease experience, the appropriate knowledge, guidance, and action will catalyze the healing process.  With each lifestyle modification program being personalized to suit your health needs, we are confident the MENDication program will restore your vitality and health. It will also help you attain and maintain a happy and healthy existence.

Welcome to MENDication!