(Please click on the question to expand/collapse the answer)

» What are your credentials to discuss health and nutrition?

I am a Medical Doctor (M.D.) educated and trained in the United States. My formal education solidified my ability to analyze, to think critically, and to problem solve. With these skills, I embarked on a journey to understand health, nutrition, and the body’s amazing ability to repair and heal itself. When I discuss these topics, I stick to relevant factual and research-based information, as well as logical and anecdotal information that can be applied to everyone in a practical and efficacious manner.

» How did you devise MENDication? What/who were your sources of influence and inspiration?

Devising MENDication was a labor of love. My intrigue and study with restoring vitality and healing began before entering medical school and served as my motivation to become a physician. Through my medical training, I realized the role and importance of pharmacological and surgical interventions for treating disease. I also began to recognize the body’s amazing ability to repair and heal itself.

Sparking my curiosity, much of my spare time was dedicated to researching various approaches to health, healing, and nutrition. My major influences are: Orthomolecular sciences, Orthopathy and Natural Hygiene, the Hippocratic Collection, Autology and Autopathy, Trophology, Orthotrophy, Allopathic/Osteopathic Medicine, Ancient Civilizations and healing practices, Eastern philosophies, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Holistic Medicine, nutritient-dense foods, natural whole vitamins, as well as a number of other topics.

Combining my allopathic medical knowledge and clinical experiences, in conjunction with this breadth of invaluable information, allowed me to piece together a comprehensive lifestyle plan incorporating the overlapping tenets of all these practices. This resulted in the creation of MENDication, a truly simple program based on lifestyle modifications that optimize the body’s inherent physiological functions to “mend” itself.

» Please explain the claim that, “people tend to find they eat more… [and] MENDication maintains its effectiveness even when not being practiced on a day-to-day basis”.

MENDication’s goal is to fine-tune the body to its ideal state in order to restore vitality and healing. In this ideal physical state, the body is able to operate in an efficient and effective manner. MENDication achieves this by optimizing metabolism, detoxification, nutrition, and digestion. The more the lifestyle modifications are incorporated into one’s life, the greater the results. People tend to eat more (especially when they learn how, when, and why) when these processes are favorably working; their metabolic output is actually greater than their surprisingly high caloric input. These people are shocked at first when they realize they are trimming down. But, like a well-oiled, revved-up piece of machinery, their bodies have become fine-tuned, or “mended”. A few days of not practicing the lifestyle modifications will not stop this physiologic momentum, but it may slow down. However, by remaining loyal to a few of the MENDication modifications, it makes it difficult to lose that fine-tuned edge.

» Is there any evidence-based research to back up your claims?

Being educated and trained as a medical doctor, I understand the vital importance of evidence-based research to the evolution of knowledge and practice in all professional fields. Thus, many different studies and research articles were formative in MENDication’s development. Such research will be referenced accordingly. Furthermore, some of the researched information would be considered anecdotal in nature by today’s standards. However, if such information is used, it is only because it’s seen as valuable and follows simple, intuitive logic.

» So, what do I have to buy if your program “does not require calorie counts, food restrictions, rationing/portioning, regular weigh-ins, expensive meal plans,…. and will not layout a day-to-day plan”?

MENDication is a lifestyle modification program. Its approach is to slowly build upon itself, step-by-step, in order that the practitioner can comfortably incorporate each modification into their lifestyle. In a short matter of days, most MENDicators have incorporated all modifications and are practicing them throughout the day. It is a way of thinking/existing; it becomes as reflexive as breathing. At that stage, calorie counts, food restrictions, rationing/portioning, and regular weigh-ins are unnecessary because the modifications guide how, when, and why to eat. Hence, expensive meal plans are also unnecessary. As for regular weigh-ins… please, don’t torture yourself. The results will speak for themselves as MENDicators don’t only feel good, they look [very] good.

Unlike other diet programs, MENDication looks to educate and empower the individual to make their own decisions. We will not layout a strict day-to-day plan on exactly what to eat, when to drink, when to detox, etcetera. MENDication hopes to arm the individual with the tools necessary to heal and revitalize their life. Once the lifestyle modifications are learned, the individual will not need their hand held as with other diet programs. They will not need to buy expensive meal plans or dietary supplements, or reconsult/check-in with a dietary team. Ultimately, our goal is to educate and empower the individual to know, understand, and live the MENDication lifestyle so they take control of their lives, make healthy, positive choices, and reach their true potential.

So, to answer your question, there is actually nothing required to be purchased. Just buying the right foods from your local grocer.

» Do you recommend vitamins and nutritional supplements?

We do not believe it’s absolutely necessary to utilize vitamins and nutritional supplements in order to restore vitality and health. However, we do believe it can help achieve and maintain a healthy state of equilibrium, especially when the right products are used. MENDication educates how to choose nutritional supplements by examining their sources and their active/inactive ingredients. We only recommend products that coincide with our strict vitamin/nutritional supplement criteria, and have no vested interest in recommending them. Fortunately, most of these products can be found from various on-line retailers for a fair price.

» How does your exercise program differ from the norm?

MENDication emphasizes regular activity which does not require any special equipment or personal trainers. However, a gym or fitness center membership is a recommended investment. It not only provides access to new and maintained exercise equipment, but also provides much needed social interaction. Not to mention, most fitness centers offer interesting classes like aerobics, yoga, zumba, spin classes, tai chi, etc. Again, remaining active is the primary idea, so taking a vigorous walk, riding your bike, dancing with a friend, gardening or cleaning the home with some pep, etc. are just as effective as going to the gym. As long as a routine is established to remain active, you are practicing one of MENDication’s lifestyle modifications.

» How is MENDication NOT a diet?

Diets restrict certain types of foods and caloric intake. By such a standard, MENDication does not qualify as a diet. MENDication educates and empowers the individual to choose the right foods that will provide nutrition and sustain a healthy existence. It will never ask a person to count the amount of calories in a given meal because if it follows the “rules” the caloric load holds no significance. If the person chooses to eat Twinkies, so be it. But, they will understand how they can minimize the impact of eating those Twinkies. They will also understand and feel (as they tune-in to their body) the lack of nutrition, toxin load, and metabolic havoc of a Twinkie.

Also, as mentioned before, people find they eat more once they practice the program. This is because their physiologic processes are functioning in an optimal fashion. Thus, they harness and utilize energy more efficiently, including accessing fat stores.

Now, name a diet that can promise such things? None. That’s why MENDication is NOT a diet.

» What kind of detoxification protocol do you use?

Good question. Many diseases are the result of a lifetime of toxin accumulation. As these toxins bombard the body’s intricate physiologic processes, they lead to a progressive state of dysfunction, degeneration, and disease/dis-ease. There are many different detoxification approaches available. However, MENDication believes in a more gradual elimination and excretion of toxins as these toxin loads took time to develop. Furthermore, rapid detoxifications typically make one feel/look like garbage (nausea/vomiting, fatigue, general malaise, rash formation, pallor, etc.). Just ask someone familiar with rapid “detox(s)”, a great majority are not interested in taking the product again as it was an uncomfortable process.

MENDication stylized its approach in line with normal, everyday living. Using natural, nutritient-dense foods, our detoxification protocol provides a steady, effective means to eliminating toxins without ravaging the body… and spending a night on the toilet.

» Like other popular diets, does MENDication use an induction and/or maintenance phase?

As mentioned in the prior question, MENDication believes in a more gradual process when addressing lifestyle modification, steady long-term weight reduction, and elimination/excretion of toxins. MENDication is basically a program of maintenance. Our focus remains on empowering individuals to maintain the lifestyle for the rest of their healthy lives.

We avoid the troublesome “yo-yo” side effect of dieting by eliminating induction phases. Those that have undergone an induction phase know once a person strays from the stringent induction rules, they regain weight. Via MENDication, distinct induction and maintenance phases are unnecessary because the lifestyle modifications re-establish physiological balance in order to restore vitality, healing, and weight loss for the long-term. Again, MENDication stylized its approach in line with normal, everyday living. Induction phases are not a natural phenomenon and wreak havoc to the body’s equilibrium.

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