VITamins versus DEATHamins: Natural, Whole Vitamins for LIFE (Part I)

by Raffi C, MD on May 11, 2011

With all the hype surrounding ‘vitamins’ these days, we at MENDication feel it’s very important to understand the risks, benefits, and alternatives surrounding nutritional supplementation. Once some basic concepts are understood, distinguishing between beneficial VITAmins from DEATHamins is actually quite simple. There are some important facts to comprehend in order to educate and empower oneself in choosing good quality, healthy products without spending a small fortune.

Before covering some of these concepts, let’s first understand what a ‘vitamin’ truly is.  From Latin, ‘vīta‘ means life.  Thus, the term suggests a ‘vitamin’ is a life-promoting or vital amine.  However, according to Dr. Robert McCarrison, the term ‘vitamine‘ is actually “a misnomer, since there is no evidence that accessory food factors are amines” and he would rather they be called ‘advitants‘ as this nomenclature declares them as substances necessary to life. Dr. McCarrison also felt, “It is necessary to emphasize that the problems of nutrition must not be viewed from a too ‘vitaminic‘ outlook. Vitamins have their place in nutrition: it is that of one link in a chain of essential substances requisite for the harmonious regulation of the chemical processes of healthy cellular action.”

McCarrison’s emphasis that vitamins are but “one link in a chain” of nutrition refers to their vitally intimate relationship with other essential substances.  In his book Whole Food Nutrition, Dr. Vic Shayne emphatically states substances like “minerals, enzymes, co-enzymes, trace elements, amino acids, proteins, phytonutrients and other nutrients and energies in their original ‘complex’ ratios” are essential for complete nutrition.  These substances all work synergistically as a team to promote a healthy state.  For example, how would any sporting team perform with one or two less players?  Imagine there being only one player to represent the entire team!

Most mass produced vitamins today are that one player team.  They are fractionated (removed from their original ‘complex’ ratios) and isolated to become “vitamins” such as: thiamine hydrochloride (for Vitamin B1), retinoic acid (for Vitamin A), ascorbic acid (for Vitamin C), alpha-tocopherol (for Vitamin E), cholecalciferol (for Vitamin D3), etcetera.  Alone, these isolated molecules can do as much as a gadget’s on-switch without a gadget to turn on.  Furthermore, the body does not treat them much differently than a drug and/or toxin.  Actually, those that are not metabolized and eliminated by the body try to reconstitute themselves into their original, whole form by robbing the body of its current supply of active vitamin complexes.  Thus, these “vitamins” are not only falsely providing nutrition, they are actually thieves of your body’s own nutritional stores.  They are the detrimental DEATHamins!

(Part II Coming Soon!)

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Andrew May 16, 2011 at 15:44

Very informative Raffi. Can’t wait for part 2. Maybe a reference to Dr. McCarrison?


Raffi C, MD June 22, 2011 at 13:33

Thanks, Andrew! Part 2 is almost complete. I have added some links in the post for both Drs. McCarrison and Shayne.

More can be read about McCarrison here:
Nutrition and National Health, 1936
The McCarrison Society

Here is also more information by Dr. Vic Shayne:
Whole Food Nutrition: The Missing Link in Vitamin Therapy
Youtube: Whole Foods vs. Vitamins


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