Whole Synthetic Foods

by Raffi C, MD on August 4, 2012

Just because something claims to be “All Natural“, “Non-GMO“, or “Vegan” does NOT mean it is healthy!  Actually, some foods labeled as “USDA Organic” can actually be hazardous to your health!!

No.  I do not jest.

The other day, I shopped at some whole foods market (which shall remain [shoddily] anonymous) priding itself on selling high quality natural and organic products.

The Purchase: Organic Whole Wheat Tortillas

The Ingredients: Organic Enriched Whole Wheat Flour, Water, Organic Expeller Pressed Soybean Oil, Sea Salt, Baking Powder

Most lay people would consider this healthful (some may even go as far as claiming it ‘food of the Gods’).  After all, “Organic Enriched Whole Wheat Flour” reverberates the epitome of health… right?


Just because it’s labeled “Organic” does not mean it’s healthy.  Despite its organic cultivation, this flour has later been highly-processed and then enriched; fortified with synthetic vitamins and minerals created and processed in a laboratory test tube.  The processing of the wheat leaves it devoid of nutrients, so they need to add synthetic chemicals to allow it some form of “nutrition”.  There is ample evidence to prove synthetic supplements are nothing but toxic and harmful to the body.  Ingredients such as (but not limited to) ascorbic acid, thiamine mononitrate, and folic acid are obviously chemicals.  Their names alone should heighten your suspicion.  Most think these are our standard Vitamins C and B, but little do they know they are toxins.

If we were synthetic beings, maybe then synthetic nutrients would be beneficial.  But, as long as we are naturally organic beings, it is a safe and intuitive idea to avoid synthetic products and opt for the far healthier, natural and whole version.  Remain vigilant when inspecting the ingredients of glamorously “healthy” edibles to look for synthetics and highly-processed contents.

Also, shame on the marketing ploys of food distributors using the “Organic” and “Natural” calling cry to capture otherwise unknowing consumers.

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Hilda Beauchamp August 4, 2012 at 11:50

Hello Dr. Raffi,

Thank you for raising this point. How about pasteurized foods? It irks me to see organic milk being sold in the grocery store with an enormous “organic” label but keeping the ‘pasteurized’ label somewhere hidden!

My children (3, 4, and 6 years old) have been drinking raw milk for over 3 years now! The dairy farmers that we purchase it from take pride in their work and love their animals. My children have been very healthy and love the milk. I’ve also taught them to love nutrition and to eat healthy (something you always emphasize for good parenting).

My family is eternally indebted to you for raising our awareness about health and nutrition.

In good health,


Raffi C, MD August 6, 2012 at 14:09

Thanks Hilda! I will cover truth in labeling in the near future. The effects of pasteurization are often minimized and fear mongering usually takes center stage (“harmful bacteria will infect and kill you!”) to quell any questions. Most people know dairy products (e.g. milk, butter, yogurt, cheeses, creams) are pasteurized in the US. They are also led to believe it’s truly beneficial and necessary for their well-being. In actuality, Europeans (and even most Canadians) would not knowingly purchase, let alone consume, such “food” given it being devoid of any real nutrition. Furthermore, rarely are most aware of the other commonly pasteurized [destroyed] foods: eggs, nuts, juices, and vinegar. Irradiated foods is a topic all by itself.

Thanks again for your support and keep up the good work!


Raffi C, MD September 4, 2012 at 13:57

A recent article from NPR illustrating how “Organic” may not necessarily mean more healthy. The most poignant and telling statement made in the article (in my humble opinion) is its opening sentence: “Yes, organics is a $29 billion industry and still growing.”

Yes, organics are BIG BUSINESS!

My tips:

* Recognize quality produce
* Avoid heavy processing (even if “Organic”)
* Buy locally produced goods
* Support and belong to a food cooperative

There’s no time like the present to take charge of your health and life!


Eli December 7, 2012 at 13:13

This is a great article even the comments. Please keep writing cause I like your blog!


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