Fattening Up for the Holidays

by Raffi C, MD on November 11, 2010

When the end of the year approaches, the holiday festivities begin.  The usual chain (like that of a prisoner) of events typically unfolds like so:

  1. Holiday feasts with too much food and dessert, usually the kind you find yourself saying, “I shouldn’t, but it’s the holidays”.
  2. Steady weight gain, despite wanting to look good for the holiday parties and pictures.
  3. Exercising frantically in hopes to burn away some of the excessive calories and fat.
  4. Continuing to eat with the mentality mentioned above in Item One.
  5. More exercise, more stress, more going virtually nowhere.
  6. New Year’s resolution to “go on a diet”, “eat healthier”, “go to the gym five days a week”, etcetera ad nauseum.
  7. Around March or so, your New Year’s re-solution becomes an inevitable re-problem.
  8. The cycle of madness begins again as the end of the year approaches.

My questions is WHY?  Is there any justification to subject our bodies to such a stressful experience?  It is completely unnecessary!   The real problem is this cycle of madness is punctuated repeatedly through out most peoples lives.  Whether it’s the holidays, or summer time, or a wedding, or a reunion, etc., this yo-yo effect is prevalent and most people neither see nor understand the damage being done to their bodies.  Actually, research shows people steadily gain weight with every holiday passing, causing the gradual weight gain associated with adulthood.

So, what is the real solution, or re-solution?

Of course, the solution lies in following the simple program of MENDication.  One needs to optimize their metabolism, elimination, nutrition, and digestion patterns in order to maintain their ideal state.  Even during the holidays, a MENDicator keeps a steady energy level, weight and waist line, and over all appearance (never mind their strong resistance to seasonal cold and flu), even with all the indulging in feasts and “cheating”.  One can even indulge in “The Five Most Fattening Traditional Holiday Foods” if proper steps are taken.

Thus, the chains are broken!  The unhealthy yo-yo effect and physiological roller coaster ride is avoided.  With your health at its best, this allows focus on a New Year’s resolution geared toward empowering and improving yourself, and avoiding vicious cycles of madness.

Happy Holidays to everyone from us at MENDication :)

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