Eliminate Cellulite Naturally

by Raffi C, MD on October 22, 2010

You guessed it!!  MENDication’s lifestyle changes have helped many people lose weight and, most importantly, keep it off.  But, what about cellulite?  Cellulite has even been defined by Collins English Dictionary as, “a name sometimes given to subcutaneous fat alleged to resist dieting”.  As we MENDicators already know, the battle was lost once they relied on “dieting”.

Women, and even men, have faced frustration when unsuccessfully trying different diets, cosmetic products, massage-based therapies, body wraps, and surgical procedures in order to rid the appearance of cellulite dimpling.  Most are left disappointed after searching for the magic bullet remedy to melt away the cellulite because, when using these approaches, IT DOES NOT GO AWAY IN THE LONG-TERM.  Please realize it takes many months to years to develop the physical changes which later are described as “cellulite”.  Also, cellulite is a gross physical manifestation of a more generalized health disorder – it is your body’s sign that something has gone awry and requires attention.  Thus, the above approaches do not address the underlying physiological alterations that are contributing to this physical deformity… chronic illness has begun.

To understand this deformity, one must understand cellulite and how it comes to exist.  In short, cellulite is subcutaneous fat that protrudes through a connective tissue fibrous mesh which functions to compartmentalize the fat.  It is the result of chronic disorders: poor circulation and damaged vessels (blood and lymph), inflammation and scarring, and excess acid in blood.  As these disorders intermingle, they set the stage for cellulite formation.  The more these conditions continue, the more scarred become the fibrous connective tissues almost strangulating circulation to the fat deposits, and the more the fat and local tissues congeal together.  Thus, during periods of dieting, this cellulite fat will not be an accessible source of energy given its poor blood flow.  More importantly, most fad diets will not improve any of the above disorders of circulation and vessel health, inflammation, and an acidic physiology.  This is where MENDIcation differs in its approach.

Through its simple, yet effective program, MENDication will introduce lifestyle modifications that will naturally reduce the appearance of cellulite, if not make it disappear.  Results depend on the severity of fibrous scarring.  However, there will be results, and without any gimmicky products or ideas.  Just imagine those unfortunates that undergo liposuction every few years!  Luckily, our results are easily maintainable.  Remember, MENDication believes on making you healthy (mind-body-spirit) from the inside-out.

If you have any questions regarding natural cellulite elimination, feel free to contact us.  Also, there is a wealth of information on the web.  Educate yourself and see what works best.  Best wishes from us at MENDication.

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Maryrose Koepper March 17, 2011 at 21:28

Excellent blog post, I look forward to reading much more.


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