Natural Detoxification Through Food

by Raffi C, MD on October 13, 2010

With all the hype surrounding detoxification (AKA “detox”), it’s easy to become confused between the real facts and a sales pitch.

The concept of detoxification is very real. It’s a process done naturally by our bodies every second of every day. Our bodies consistently produce waste products via physiological processes that are contiguous with life. At any point during the waking state, it can be possible that our bodies will accumulate more toxins than it can eliminate, leaving a net gain of toxins, or toxemia. The accumulation of these toxins, and their lack of elimination, affects every cell in your body. This sets the stage to weaken the body and its miraculous defense and healing systems. Both acute and chronic diseases, including accelerated aging, are the result of this toxic load.

Today we are constantly barraged with pollutants from our food, water, environment, medicines, personal products, to name a few. These only compound the load on our body to rid itself of these poisons circulating and interfering with the natural symphony within our bodies. This situation allows an acidic physiological pH to predominate which is consistent with chronic disease and, in its extreme, death.

I am very familiar with the vast variety of detoxification programs available. There are supplements, electrical devices, prepackaged food programs, and others. The most common I come across peddles a supplement-based program (usually costly) done over a relatively short period of time, after which it recommends a recurrent quarterly detox. So, you’re detoxifying about four times per year.

This may be fine. But, logically speaking, what about maintenance? Are we supposed to continue the same misguided lifestyles and add to our toxin loads only to do a roller coaster detox every three months or so? Also, such detox programs can wreak havoc on your body’s equilibrium/balance. Thus, it’s not uncommon to feel like garbage for days to weeks or become extremely ill following such an aggressive roller coaster detox regimen. And, what exactly is in this detox formula? Some contain laxatives, synthetic lubricants, allergy-producing additives, etc.

MENDication teaches how to modify your lifestyle in order to continually detoxify the body through a multi-modal approach relying on natural foods found at your local grocer, techniques to increase toxin elimination, optimize organ function, and minimize re-exposure. It avoids the roller coaster phenomenon by allowing toxins to be removed at a more natural pace over the long term (long term referring to the rest of your healthy life). MENDication teaches to be a conscious consumer and empowers the individual to take charge of their life/health/future.

As Hippocrates stated, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food“. I’ll take it one step further from his simple, yet brilliant philosophy: Let food be thy MENDicine and MENDicine be thy food.

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